Friday, August 27, 2010

Loving Someone

Love. Connected to nothing else . . . not responsibility, or demand; without ropes of security thrown all about. That feeling of closeness to another's heart . . . absent expectations or envious complications.

It seems that in this pure state, all of us could immerse ourselves and be happy. Why can't we just try? Leave all thoughts of any past action or slights, imagined or otherwise . . . lack of cooperation, times when our beloved didn't 'see' us or 'hear' us . . . and simply love.

There must be some doubt that this kind of love can be real, can exist. Of course. Our love is some type of gift or blessing we bestow at will upon the object of affection? No. It isn't deserved or not. It just IS.

Let all the busy, worthless comparisons go. Let the heart rule. What we feel is what we are. Display the courage of that conviction we know to be truth. Just trust, go ahead. We do not require proof, ever. We already know.

Get on with it. If there is already someone in life who has your love . . . know it's real, know it's all right, understand that there are no conditions on it. If not, find it . . . not outside your own heart and mind, it starts there. If you cannot give it, you won't find it.

Love is all there is. Cherish and freely throw it, like caution, to any wind which blows your way. Freedom and life enhancement will surely follow.

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