Sunday, December 18, 2011

Music in the Mind

Remember to create musical harmony within the mind . . . notes, lyrics, melodies long forgotten which promote happy thoughts. Entertain no deficient tracks - make certain that what is heard results in joyous thanksgiving -- toward being truly, absolutely alive.

Influence of tunes on well-ordered thought is legendary. From the Madrigals to Lady Gaga, hopefulness results from loving what we hear, experiencing excitement, stimulation, motivation; insert happiness in your own head . . . deliberately using auditory excellence.

Listen to all that which inspires. Seriously choose the best music you can find. Forward motion, frame of mind, peace in the soul all may simply hinge right there.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Good Will

Generally, benevolence, kindness, an attitude of cheerfulness. Good relationships of all types . . . among individuals, communities, companies, nations. An asset always, good will creates happiness and feelings of rightness. Distributing this intangible treasure unfailingly brings peace and joy. Omitting it from our daily functioning creates atmospheres of chaos, disruption, opposition and/or angry diatribe.

First, acknowledge that it is within the power of all humans to extend and possess good will. An incomparable heritage, it has no measurable material value, yet is always considered and factored in during any business purchase or sale. At least consider making good use of it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sparkles & Twinkles

What is it about sparkly lights, glittering things, twinkling starlike objects? The sky with vast blanket of tiny white points of brightness . . . trees hung with blinking lights and colorful ornaments dressed in gold or silver glitter, reflecting that lively beauty everywhere. Clothing sewn or glued with shiny, reflective sequins, many-colored bits of sparky eye-catchers . . . a kind of visual excitement, instantly transporting viewers to a realm of hopefulness.

Brightness intrigues, especially in darkest moments . . . uplifting, jumpstarting the heart and mind. Observe purposefully -- lights, stars, anything at all that glitters, twinkles or shines . . . that splendid sparkle can also be seen in the eye of any beholder.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


A fairly unusual term in common usuage at least, vapid means "lacking or having lost life, sharpness, or flavor, insipid, flat, without liveliness or spirit; dull or tedious" and is obviously a state of being which everyone has experienced at one time or another. Most think of it as 'boredom' -- flinging caution to the winds to rid themselves of it, running toward whatever pleasurable activity might (temporarily) allay its insidious ability to creep into the mind and heart.

Enlightened beings (Zen) hold that there is no such state. All is the same, it is the machinations of the mind which frame the feelings. So . . . we want peace, serenity, alignment of soul/mind/body . . . plus excitement, passion, pleasure, joy . . . conditions seemingly mutually exclusive? Pursue all at once if we dare -- conceptually impossible?

Running after something or waiting for it to come. Understanding these two oppositional ideas, learning that these are necessarily congruent, is essential wisdom.

In other words, be assured -- it's all there, all the time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Language of the Soul

Listen to music . . . any, enjoy songs you have loved and lived to . . . download, purchase CDs, travel to a concert, play and/or sing. Visit churches, festivals, holiday gatherings. Deliberately bring music into your life, it will enhance your heart and mind. Lose any thought other than what you hear . . . become one with another reality, let it take you into another realm of being.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Something reassuring, comforting about rain. The quietly steady beat of raindrops on a roof, overcast sky like a warming blanket, seems to say 'stop, be quiet, listen and learn' the cycle of coming and going on this planet. Replenish, drink deeply and be renewed. Realize sustenance, peace, survival. As the moisture nourishes the earth, it seems to say 'feed your body and mind, be one with your space, love it, know that all is well, no human control or design required.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dreaming Happiness

Thinking this day how sharply poignant feelings can be in a dream . . . forgotten memories stored somewhere in the psyche emerge in relaxation. Love becomes deeply important, one facet of ecstasy which must be entered unreservedly. Complete union with a loved one, contained beautifully within one space, replete with sparkly magical recall on awakening.