Saturday, December 10, 2011


A fairly unusual term in common usuage at least, vapid means "lacking or having lost life, sharpness, or flavor, insipid, flat, without liveliness or spirit; dull or tedious" and is obviously a state of being which everyone has experienced at one time or another. Most think of it as 'boredom' -- flinging caution to the winds to rid themselves of it, running toward whatever pleasurable activity might (temporarily) allay its insidious ability to creep into the mind and heart.

Enlightened beings (Zen) hold that there is no such state. All is the same, it is the machinations of the mind which frame the feelings. So . . . we want peace, serenity, alignment of soul/mind/body . . . plus excitement, passion, pleasure, joy . . . conditions seemingly mutually exclusive? Pursue all at once if we dare -- conceptually impossible?

Running after something or waiting for it to come. Understanding these two oppositional ideas, learning that these are necessarily congruent, is essential wisdom.

In other words, be assured -- it's all there, all the time.

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